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  • Writer's pictureMarry De Austria

Healthy Study Habits For Teens

Everyone wants to pass their classes and to do that, one must study for exams to get a good grade. There are some who are passionate and some who are not so passionate about cramming vital information into their heads to later figuratively vomit it all onto a sheet of paper. But for those who do care a whole awful lot about academic success, they ought to consider their health.

Sleep is vital! According to Nationwide Children’s, “The average amount of sleep that teenagers get is between 7 and 7 ¼ hours. However, they need between 9 and 9 ½ hours …” If a student were to finish school at around four o’clock, it is imperative that he or she gets at least one or two hours to himself or herself before getting on with schoolwork. This allows a sense of relaxation and can ease the tension that school and classes usually bring. The rest may be reserved for studying or simple homework given by teachers. Hypothetically speaking, if a student sets an alarm to wake up at six in the morning to prepare for school, then he or she must go to bed at nine o’clock.

Snacks are a necessity! According to Canada Online, “The right snacks can boost your ability to focus, make you more productive and help keep your mind sharp.” Avoid sodas, chips, and anything unhealthy. Aim to have a healthier list of snack options like almonds, fruits, water, and yogurt. These snacks are better at supplying energy into your brain, which means that all of those complicated equations and chemical formulas will become much easier to remember.

Stress is bad! According to Oxford Learning, “In fact, students who struggle with test anxiety typically fall a half a letter grade below their peers. In addition to academic impacts, test anxiety can affect a student’s mental health, including lowered self-esteem, confidence, and motivation.” Remember that even if you get a low B or an even lower grade, it is not the end of the world. You have future tests, classwork and homework to make it up. If that does not calm you down, know that grades do not define you whatsoever. What defines you is your character and work ethic. If you fail or get a low score on a test, then so be it! So what? People have their strengths and weaknesses, so perhaps the subject matter on your test is not your strong suit. Just know that you did your best. Do not let a single score dampen your fighting spirit.

With these three, healthy study tips, you are ready to go! Go easy on your brain.



1) Nationwide Children's. “Sleep in Adolescents.” Nationwide Children's Hospital, Accessed 17 Sept. 2020,

2) NAU Canada Online. “The 10 Best Brain Food Snacks for Studying.” Canada Online, 13 Apr. 2018,

3) Oxford Learning. “What Is Test Anxiety (And How It Affects Students).” Oxford Learning, 20 Aug. 2018,

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